Jazmine Danielle, MA

Hi there! I'm Jazmine Danielle, the founder of Healing in Progress and your guide on the ever-evolving journey of spiritual well-being. My path wasn't always paved with incense and meditation. Raised Southern Baptist, I was instilled with strong religious values, but as I grew, I craved a deeper, more personal connection to something bigger than myself. This exploration led me to become a Reiki Master Teacher, Spiritual Wellness Coach, Certified Breathwork Practitioner, Sound Healer, and Full Spectrum Doula. It's through these practices that I discovered the power of holistic healing and the profound impact it can have on our lives.

At Healing in Progress, we believe that "healing" isn't a destination, it's a beautiful, messy process of growth and discovery. We meet you exactly where you are on your journey, free from judgment, and embrace your unique beliefs and experiences. Whether you're yearning for a deeper spiritual connection, seeking mind-body-spirit balance, or simply feel lost and unfulfilled, we're here to support you.

Do any of these questions resonate with you?

  • Are you tired of feeling unfulfilled or misguided spiritually?

  • Do you crave a deeper connection to your intuition and inner wisdom?

  • Do you long for a life filled with purpose, joy, and abundance?

  • Are you ready to step into your power and live life on your own terms?

  • Do you feel out of balance and disconnected from yourself?

  • Are you READY to create lasting change in your life?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then Healing in Progress might be the perfect fit for you. We'll empower you to cultivate harmony within yourself, connect to your higher self, and ultimately become the best version of you. Let's create a life overflowing with joy and vibrant experiences – together.